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Deluxe Plot Blend

While many seed mixes, especially high end brands, pack their bags with high quality and high cost seeds, they are not customized for Alabama and the various soils and climate we have. HLM created the Deluxe Plot blend through various trials and errors. This blend will give you a high germination rate and overall consumption rate by whitetail deer. 


The Deluxe Plot Blend includes: 

  • Buck Forage Oats 

  • Triticale

  • Austrian Winter Peas 

  • White Clover 

  • Brassicas

  • Red Clover (or Arrowleaf) 

  • Crimson Clover 



This food plot blend is built to maximize winter forage and provide various wildlife with spring time food as well. This mix is packed with protein and highly palatable items that are designed to give you a food plot buffet. 



Targeted Improvements include: 

  • Capablility of handing high grazing 

  • Improved herd health

  • Increased Buck Development 

  • Increased fawn development 

  • Migration of large amount of whitetail deer near your property




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