Drone Imaging & Mapping
HLM will provide various services via drone for farmers, personnel in forestry, customers interested in land reviews, real estate or any customer wishing to use our services.
With this service, customers will be able to review land in 2D and 3D models, view data on forests, crops and wildlife habitat and health. HLM uses a service called DroneDeploy, who analyzes large amount of data captured from our drones in order to bring you all the information you need. Other services that will be available can be seen below:
3D images of property or a property of interest
Pine Beetle Search
We can routinely scan your property year-round in order to locate and treat pine beetle infestations quickly before ample damage occurs
Estimate crop yields for entire fields
Assess crop damage
Scan fields for parasites and fungi
Plan drainage and evaluate irrigation success or issues
Estimate crop health in various areas
Total tree counts
Different habitat zones
Burning recommendations and analyzation
Real Estate imagery for both land and homes
2D Aerial Photography -- Extremely high-resolution aerial photography that far exceeds satellite imagery
Interactive maps and 360 maps of a designated zone
$100 minimum - $65 per hour after first hour has been completed
Good estimation: 100 acres per 30 minutes on ideal conditions. Some time will also be needed for completing the service after initial flight has taken place.
FAA Certified Pilot, Commercial Drone Registration Completed.
Services will be done by trained professionals who are certified to do so. Drone analyzation requires certification and should be done by trained and certified professionals.
To inquire about HLM Drone Service, please call, e-mail, or send in an inquiry to our office for quotes, interest or application questions.
We will be glad to service you as soon as possible. All HLM drone analyzations come with a fully typed report detailing all important data and what it means for what your specified interest is.
Pricing Information
Pine Beetle Search
If you would like, please view the below video to see what software we use and what many of its capabilities are.