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Trough-Style Feeder

Feeders are a great tool in helping develop a quality deer and turkey population. By using feeders, it will attract large amounts of deer and turkey to the surrounding area. See our various consultation services for optimal feeder placement. 

The trough-style feeder is a great tool for both deer and turkey alike (along with other unwanted pests). 

The HLM Trough Feeder is constructed with pressure-treated, hand picked lumber. It is covered to ensure all feed is long lasting. It also comes with a mineral station platform to keep your mineral blocks off the ground and away from water. 

  • The deep trough allows for 300 pound+ feed capacity 

  • The wide feeding station allows for multiple feeding areas

  • Tin roofing will ensure long lasting protection 

  • Pressure treated lumber (and added Thompson Water seal) will create a product that can last for decades

Each feeder can be customized to the purchaser's desires. Every feeder will be created with a base design. However, you can create your own feeder with any of the options you like. 

These can include: 

  • Red LED lighting with wireless switch for predator and feral hog hunting 

  • Varmit guarded feeder legs 

  • Wireless camera system installed on feeder

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